* David Gregory passes on online OLTL | One Life to Live on Soap Central

David Gregory has informed fans that he will not be a part of One Life to Live when it moves to the Internet in 2012. Gregory joined OLTL in August 2009.

While at least 13 One Life to Live stars have signed on to appear in Prospect Park's Internet-based version of One Life to Live, not all of the show's current slate of actors will be making the move.

David A. Gregory (Robert Ford) informed fans via Facebook that he had decided not to continue on with the show when it moves to the uncharted waters of the Internet.

"Hey Everyone, just note to say that I will not be joining Prospect Park," Gregory said in the announcement. "It was a very hard decision to make. But I am very excited to shoot the final episodes this next week. Thank you all for all your support. It means the world. I'll never forget this experience. All my love to all you wonderful fans."

The announcement took many fans by surprise because Gregory had been very upbeat about the show's transition from broadcast TV to the Internet.

Gregory's announcement came the same day that Eddie Alderson (Matthew Buchanan) announced that he and his sister, Kristen Alderson (Starr Manning), would be relocating to Los Angeles after One Life to Live wraps production next week. For more on the Aldersons' OLTL exit, click here.

Gregory joined One Life to Live in August 2009.

RELATED STORY Eddie, Kristen Alderson will not continue on Internet-based OLTL.
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